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进入专题: 特朗普   美国减税  

贾康 (进入专栏)  



















US tax cut can be turned into an opportunity

The United States Senate has approved a bill toreduce taxes for businesses and the rich as part of the promises US PresidentDonald Trump made during his presidential campaign, which will have a bigimpact on many economies, especially China's.

But given the global trend of cooperation andcompetition, China could transform the challenges created by the US tax cutinto a driving force for the economy. Through interactions with its major tradepartners, including the US, Japan and the European Union, China could promotewin-win development to build a community of shared future for humankind.

Many economies, including China and the US,use tax cuts as a tool to boost the economy. But the US' tax cut policy isguided by "Reaganomics", or the economic policy president RonaldReagan followed in the 1980s. China, too, used tax cuts to propel reform andopening-up in the 1980s, and they have yielded positive results.

Trump wants to make "America great again"by using, among other economic tools, tax cuts, whereas China has cut taxes todeepen supply-side structural reform in line with its economic "newnormal". The world's two largest economies have a common orientation-they believethat "tax cut leads to inspiration and further optimizing of economicoperation", as proved by the Laffer curve, which shows the theoreticalrelationship between rates of taxation and the resulting levels of governmentrevenue.

But the two countries' tax reforms aredifferent. Trump's tax cut is aimed at greatly reducing the tax burden ofenterprises and individuals, while in China, the standard rate of income taxfor enterprises was reduced to 25 percent many years ago, and high-techcompanies can enjoy a preferential tax rate of 15 percent. And for the past fewyears, small and medium-sized enterprises have been paying 12.5 percent incometax, and some local governments have offered even more preferential tax ratesto attract enterprises.

Besides, China raised the threshold of individualincome tax in the last round of individual income tax reform; in fact,individual income tax accounts for only about 6 percent of China's overall taxrevenue, whereas in the US it accounts for about 47 percent of the federalgovernment's total tax income.

Therefore, China has less room to reduceenterprises' income tax, and the individual income tax reform will focus moreon building comprehensive and classified tax systems.

Moreover, unlike in the US where mainlydirect taxes are imposed, China's tax revenue comes mainly from indirect taxes.As China is reforming the indirect taxation system, by replacing business taxwith value-added tax, the ratio of direct tax will gradually increase tooptimize the taxation system.

This means China's tax system optimizationwill be different from the US', because in China it is important to reduce thevarious non-tax burdens of enterprises, which are still high in China comparedwith the international level in general. In this regard, Trump's tax cut islikely to help China reduce the non-tax burdens of enterprises. For instance,the premiums enterprises pay for their employees' social insurance and publichousing reserve fund could be reduced, and so could other nontax burdensthrough administrative approval.

So China should not follow the US' example;instead it should promote reforms in two areas based on its actual condition.The first is to reduce administrative costs and improve administrativeefficiency. And the other is to promote public-private partnerships, which arebetter equipped and more efficient in attracting private capital for theconstruction and operation of public projects and infrastructure. This turn mayeffectively ease the government's financial burden and help improve people'slivelihoods.

In other words, China is in a position totransform the challenges brought about by the US tax cut into an opportunity tofacilitate economic development, in order to expedite the supply-sidestructural reform and better serve the people.

进入 贾康 的专栏     进入专题: 特朗普   美国减税  

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