邵培仁 廖卫民:中国新闻传播学30年学术论争的文献统计分析(1978-2008)

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进入专题: 学术论争   新闻传播学   实证研究   文献分析   学术生态  

邵培仁 (进入专栏)   廖卫民  



中图分类号 G206 文献标识码 A

A Statistical Analysis of Academic Debating in Journalism and Communication Studies Literature in Mainland China (1978-2008)

Shao Peiren Weimin Liao;

(Communication Studies Institute, Zhejiang University, 310028;

Communication Studies Institute, Zhejiang University, 310028)

Abstract: Over 100 academic controversies have been taken placed back and forth in the field of Journalism and Communication Studies, Since China entered into the social transformation period. All these debates shed light on the complicated contradiction of the practical reality of media and communication and huge changes driven by the “Reform and Open” policy in mainland China. Based on quantitative analysis of the academic literature from 1978, the key themes of debating can be shown clearly and 3 peaks can be found in the historical processes. The controversial question usually focus on the theoretical and practical questions in journalism and published mainly on some kernel academic journal, however, penetrated into other research fields, as a timeline trend indicated. Any academic controversies have the value of cultural diversity, collective memory and academic heritage from the ecological point of view and a healthy academic ecology will be an asset for academic innovation and prosperity.

Key Words: Academic Controversy, Journalism and Communication Studies, Empirical Study, Literature Analysis, Academic Ecology


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