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从2010年3月中、下旬开始,围绕汪晖的早期著作《反抗绝望》一书,《南方周末》和《南方都市报》等媒体发表了大量的文章和访谈。网络媒体上的激烈争论更是十分罕见。从四月开始,有人向国外翻译、评论和出版过汪晖著作的译者、评论者、刊物和出版社广泛寄送匿名信,一些与汪晖合作过的学者和学术机构也成为这些匿名信的目标。有鉴于此,这些学者开始收集并研究有关"汪晖事件"的各类文章和讨论,并将相关情况向国际学术界的同行们通报。6月9日,国际学者致信清华大学校长陈述了他们的看法。此后, 7月7日《中国青年报》发表了63人的签名信,当晚央视也对此事做了报道。因此,现在有必要将这封致清华大学校长的信公之于众。 由于种种在主流媒体上发表这份文件的努力都遭遇了挫折,此信不得不在网络上公之于众。以下就是八十多位国际学者联合签署的公开信原文和签名,并附上中译文。













June 9, 2010

Dear President Gu Binglin and President Xie Weihe:

We write you as an international community of scholars, translators, editors, historians and cultural critics in support of Professor Wang Hui who is currently under attack from the popular media in China. This recent, baffling, organized media attack could happen to any scholar and for that reason we, the undersigned, present this letter.

First, Professor Wang has been accused of plagiarism. The charges have been contested and discredited in the careful analyses given by Zhong Biao, Shu Wei, Wei Xing and others. Among the signatories to this letter are also translators and they are without doubt closest to the work of Wang Hui. Each translator has checked and double checked all the footnotes in the vast bibliographies of Professor Wang's publications over the last thirty years. None has found any indication of plagiarism no matter how loosely this word is defined.

Second, among us are many Asia specialists in Chinese studies and we attest to Professor Wang's scholarly integrity and his importance in international Asian studies. The first Chinese scholar of Asia ever invited to address the Association of Asian Studies annual convention in spring 2010, Wang was honored for the breadth, depth and reliability of his scholarship and for the significance of the topics he has popularized among scholars and the many admirers and principled critics his work has attracted. This is recognition at the highest level possible among our community of scholarship. Wang Hui has influenced scholars in China and outside the country, speaking simultaneously to both constituencies and opening a bridge among us.

Third, media attacks on the universities during times of extreme social and economic transition are common. Many of us have witnessed media attacks and what they share is contempt for research and incomprehension of how university scholarship enriches everyday life, to say nothing of scientific, social scientific, humanistic and artistic social life. The university as an institution is weakened when unmotivated attacks from the media culture single out one scholar as a target: the next logical step is to attack the university itself.

Finally, when ordinary cultural politics inside the university are criminalized, the legitimacy of scholarship, higher education, experimental arts and human sciences is imperiled as well. The universities are effectively cancelled as central institutions of social development.

We, the undersigned are familiar with the known facts in this case and have read, taught, commented on the work of Professor Wang Hui critically and in a friendly fashion, or translated him.

We respectfully submit this letter,



#黄乐嫣,澳大利亚莫纳什大学中文系教授 (Gloria Davies, Chinese Studies, Monash University, AUSTRALIA)

#村田雄二郎,日本东京大学研究生院教授 (Murata Yujiro, Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo, JAPAN)

#董玥,美国华盛顿大学杰克逊国际关系学院中国研究部主任,华盛顿大学历史系副教授(Madeleine Y. Dong, Chair, China Studies Program, Jackson School of International Studies; Associate Professor of History and International Studies, University of Washington, USA)

#克里斯多福·康奈利,美国加州大学EAP上海学习中心主任,圣特克鲁兹加州大学文学教授 (Christopher Connery, Director, EAP Shanghai Study Center Office, University of California; Professor of Literature, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA)

#胡志德,美国洛杉矶加州大学亚洲语言文化系教授 (Theodore Huters, Professor of Chinese, Dept. of Asian Languages and Cultures, University of California, Los Angeles, USA)

#瑞贝卡·卡尔,纽约大学历史系与东亚研究副教授;《批判亚洲研究》编辑委员会成员;《立场:东亚文化批评》编辑组成员 (#Rebecca Karl, Associate Professor of History & East Asian Studies, New York University, USA; Editorial board member of Critical Asian Studies and Member of editorial collective, positions: east asia cultures critique)

#蔡元丰,德国威腾堡大学外国语言文学系副教授 (Howard Y. F. Choy, Associate Professor, Foreign Languages & Literatures, Wittenberg University, GERMANY)

#石井剛,日本 东京大学副教授 ( #Ishii Tsuyoshi, Associate Professor, University of Tokyo, JAPAN)

#萨布里娜·阿迪佐尼,意大利博洛尼亚大学教学研究员(Sabrina Ardizzoni, Teaching Fellow, University of Bologna, ITALY)



帕特里夏·阿比纳乐,日本京都大学东南亚研究中心教授 (Patricio N. Abinales, Professor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, JAPAN)

塔里克·阿里,英国伦敦的获奖历史学者,小说家,电影制作人和评论员 (Tariq Ali, Award-winning historian, novelist, filmmaker, and commentator, London, UK)

安o阿纳格诺斯特,美国华盛顿大学人类学与中国研究教授 (Ann Anagnost, Professor of Anthropology and Chinese Studies, University of Washington, USA)

保罗·安德烈,美国哥伦比亚大学迈克人文讲席教授 (Paul Anderer, Mack Professor of Humanities, Columbia University, USA)

白露,美国莱斯大学历史系Ting Tsung 和 Wei Fong Chao 亚洲研究讲席教授;《立场:东亚文化批评》资深主编与创立人 (Tani E. Barlow, Ting Tsung and Wei Fong Chao Professor of Asian Studies, History Department, Rice University, USA; Founding Senior Editor, positions: east asia cultures critique)

罗宾·布莱克本,英国艾塞克斯大学社会学系教授;美国纽约社会研究新学院研究生院历史系杰出访问教授 (Robin Blackburn, Professor of Sociology, University of Essex, UK; Distinguished Visiting Professor of History, Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research)

克里斯·布拉莫尔,英国谢菲尔德大学东亚研究学院中国政治经济学教授 (Chris M Bramall, Professor of Chinese Political Economy, School of East Asian Studies, Sheffield University, UK)

塔玛拉·金,美国芝加哥大学比较文学系助教授 (Tamara Chin, Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Chicago, USA)

布鲁斯·柯明思,美国芝加哥大学历史系系主任、古斯塔夫 ·F·斯威夫特和安· M· 斯威夫特杰出贡献教授;芝加哥大学国际关系委员会成员 (Bruce Cumings, Chair, History Department, Gustavus F. and Ann M. Swift Distinguished Service Professor, Member, Committee on International Relations, University of Chicago, USA)

阿里夫·德里克,俄勒冈大学奈特社会科学教授(已退休);南京大学马克思主义社会理论研究中心荣誉客座教授;英属哥伦比亚大学彼得·瓦尔高等研究所杰出访问学者 (Arif Dirlik, Knight Professor of Social Science, University of Oregon, USA, Retired; Honorary Adjunct Professor, Center for the Study of Marxist Social Theory, Nanjing University; Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, University of British Columbia, CANADA)

斯特芬妮·赫默尔克·唐纳德,澳大利亚悉尼大学文学艺术和传媒学院媒体与传播学院中国媒体研究荣誉教授 (Stephanie Hemelryk Donald, Honorary Professor of Chinese Media Studies, Department of Media and Communications, School of Letters, Art, and Media, University of Sydney, AUSTRALIA)

迈克·杜盾,英国伦敦大学金史密斯学院政治系教授 (Michael Dutton, Professor, Department of Politics, Goldsmith College, University of London, UK)

艾华,英国西敏寺大学社会科学、人文与语言学院中国文化研究教授 (Harriet Evans, Professor in Chinese Cultural Studies, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages, University of Westminster, UK)

冯珠娣,美国芝加哥大学人类学系教授 (Judith Farquhar, Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, USA)

安东篱,澳大利亚墨尔本大学历史研究学院教授 (Antonia Finnane, Professor, School of Historical Studies, University of Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)

托马斯·范盾,《批判亚洲研究》主编 (Thomas P. Fenton, Editor, Critical Asian Studies)

王斯福,英国伦敦政治经济学院中国比较研究会主任、人类学系教授 (Stephan Feuchtwang, Director, China in Comparative Perspective, Professor in Anthropology, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK)

高默波,澳大利亚阿得雷德大学中国研究系主任、教授;孔子学院亚洲研究中心主任(Mobo Gao, Professor and Chair of Chinese Studies, Director, Confucius Institute Centre for Asian Studies, The University of Adelaide, AUSTRALIA)

A·汤姆·格朗菲尔德,美国纽约州立大学帝州学院历史系纽约州立大学杰出教学教授 (A. Tom Grunfeld, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor of History, Empire State College, State University of New York, USA)

迈克·哈特,美国杜克大学文学系系主任、教授 (Michael Hardt, Professor and Chair of the Literature Program, Duke University, USA)

哈里·哈鲁图尼恩,美国芝加哥大学历史系马克斯·帕尔伏斯基教授(荣休)、杜克大学文学系访问教授 (Harry Harootunian, Max Palevsky Professor Emeritus of History, at University of Chicago, USA; Visiting Professor of Literature, Duke University, USA)

马丁·哈特-兰斯伯格,美国俄勒冈路易斯克拉克大学经济学系 (Martin Hart-Landsberg, Economics, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon, USA)

韩依薇,美国圣地亚哥加州大学副教授 (Larissa Heinrich, Associate Professor, University of California, San Diego, USA)

贺萧,美国圣他克鲁兹加州大学历史系杰出教授;亚洲研究协会副主席 (Gail Hershatter, Distinguished Professor of History, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA; Vice-President, Association for Asian Studies)

何伟亚,美国芝加哥大学历史系与新本科生部教授、国际研究中心主任 (James L. Hevia, Professor, Department of History and the New Collegiate Division, Director, International Studies Program, University of Chicago, USA)

黄宗智,美国洛杉矶加州大学历史系荣休教授;《现代中国:历史与社会科学国际旬刊》主编(1975年至今)。(汪晖四卷本《现代中国思想的兴起》书评作者 )(Philip C. C. Huang, Professor of History, Emeritus, University of California, Los Angeles, USA, and Editor (1975 to the present), Modern China: An International Quarterly of History and Social Science. (Reviewer of Wang Hui's 4-volume The Rise of Modern Chinese Thought.))

伊藤るり,日本一桥大学研究生院社会学研究科社会学系教授 (Ruri Ito, Professor of sociology, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University JAPAN)

詹明信,美国杜克大学文学系荣休教授 (Frederic Jameson, Emeritus Professor of Literature, Duke University, USA)

安德鲁·琼斯,美国伯克利加州大学中文系教授 (Andrew Jones, Professor of Chinese, University of California, Berkeley, USA)

理查德·C·卡根,美国明尼苏达州汉姆林大学东亚文化政治史荣休教授 (Richard C. Kagan, Professor Emeritus. East Asian Cultural and Political History, Hamline University, Minnesota, USA)

川岛肯,加拿大多伦多大学历史系副教授 (Ken Kawashima, Associate Professor of History, University of Toronto, CANADA)

许宝强,香港岭南大学文化研究系副教授 (Hui Po Keung, Associate Professor, Cultural Studies Department, Lingnan University, HONGKONG)

寇致铭,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学语言与语言学学院副教授 (Jon von Kowallis, Associate Professor, School of Languages and Linguistics, University of New South Wales, AUSTRALIA)

托马斯·拉马尔,加拿大麦吉尔大学东亚研究系、艺术史系及传播研究系詹姆斯麦吉尔教授 Thomas Lamarre, James McGill Professor, East Asian Studies, Art History & Communications Studies, McGill University, CANADA

法比奥·兰则,美国亚利桑那大学历史系助理教授 (Fabio Lanza, Assistant Professor of History, University of Arizona, USA)

斯蒂芬·I·列文,美国蒙大拿大学莫林·曼斯菲尔德和迈克·曼斯菲尔德中心高级研究员 (Steven I. Levine, Senior Research Associate, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center, University of Montana, USA)

C. K. 李, 美国洛杉矶加州大学社会学教授 (C. K. Lee, Professor of Sociology, UCLA)

林春,英国伦敦经济学院比较政治学高级讲师 (Lin Chun, Senior Lecturer in Comparative Politics, London School of Economics, UK)

大为·帕伦博·刘,斯坦福大学比较文学系研究生主任、教授 (David Palumbo Liu, Professor of Comparative Literature, Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Comparative Literature, Stanford University, USA)

刘禾,哥伦比亚大学W. T. Tam人文讲席教授 (Lydia H. Liu, W. T. Tam Professor in the Humanities, Columbia University, USA)

卢荻,英国伦敦大学亚非学院中国研究主任、经济学系准教授 (Dic Lo, Chair of Chinese Studies, Reader in Economics, School of Oriental and African Studies, London University, UK)

亚力克山德拉·门罗博士,美国纽约古根海姆博物馆亚洲艺术高级策展人 (Alexandra Munroe, Ph.D.; Senior Curator of Asian Art, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA)

潘毅,香港理工大学教授 (Pun Ngai, Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HONG KONG)

彼得·诺兰,英国剑桥大学发展研究委员会主任、Sinyi中国管理讲席教授 (Peter Nolan, Sinyi Professor of Chinese Management, Chair of Development Studies Committee, University of Cambridge, UK)

彼得·奥斯本,英国密德萨斯大学现代欧洲哲学教授、现代欧洲哲学研究中心主任、《激进哲学》编辑 (Peter Osborne, Professor of Modern European Philosophy, Director, Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy, Middlesex University, UK; Editor, Radical Philosophy)

Hyun Ok 朴,加拿大约克大学社会学系副教授;《经济与社会》、《东北亚历史期刊》和《韩国期刊》编辑委员会成员 ( Hyun Ok Park, Associate Professor of Sociology, York University, CANADA; Member, editorial boards of Economy and Society, Journal of Northeast Asian History, and Korea Journal)

包华石,美国密歇根大学教授 (Martin Powers, Professor, University of Michigan, USA)

包夏澜,意大利博洛尼亚大学中国语言文学系副教授 (Claudia Pozzana, Associate Professor of Chinese language and Literature, Bologna University, ITALY)

布鲁斯·罗宾斯,美国哥伦比亚大学英文与比较文学系 Old Dominion 基金会人文讲席教授 (Bruce Robbins, Old Dominion Foundation Professor in the Humanities, Department of English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University, USA)

罗慕士,美国纽约大学东亚研究系教授 (Moss Roberts, Professor, East Asian Studies Department, New York University, USA)

丽萨·罗菲尔,美国圣他克鲁兹加州大学人类学系系主任、教授 (Lisa Rofel, Chair and Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA)

安德鲁·罗斯,美国纽约大学社会与文化分析系美国研究教授、纽约大学出版社《社会与文化分析》丛书编辑 (Andrew Ross, Professor of American Studies, Department of Social and Cultural Analysis, New York University, USA; Editor, Social & Cultural Analysis series, NYU Press)

亚历山德罗·鲁索,意大利博洛尼亚大学教育科学系社会学副教授 (Alessandro Russo, Associate Professor of General Sociology, Department of Science of Education, University of Bologna, ITALY)

酒井直树,美国康奈尔大学比较文学系与亚洲研究系教授 (Naoki Sakai, Professor, Comparative Literature and Asian Studies, Cornell University, USA)

沙伯力,香港科技大学社会学部 (Barry Sautman, Division of Social Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology [HKUT], HONGKONG)

罗伯托·斯卡切利,意大利博洛尼亚大学经济学系教授、高等研究所开办主任 (Roberto Scazzieri, Professor of Economics, University of Bologna; Founding Director, Institute of Advanced Studies of Bologna, ITALY)

商伟,美国哥伦比亚大学东亚系教授 (Wei Shang, Professor of Chinese, Columbia University, USA)

斯皮瓦克,美国哥伦比亚大学校级教授、阿瓦隆基金会人文讲席教授 (Gayatri C. Spivak, University Professor, Avalon Foundation Professor in the Humanities, Columbia University, USA)

阿尔伯塔·托斯卡诺,伦敦大学金史密斯学院社会学系高级讲师;《历史唯物主义》编辑(Alberto Toscano, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK; Editor, Historical Materialism)

丹尼尔·F.·伏科维奇,香港大学比较文学系 (Daniel F. Vukovich, Comparative Literature, The University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG)

王斑,斯坦福大学威廉·哈斯中国研究与比较文学讲席教授 (Ban Wang, William Haas Professor in Chinese Studies and Comparative Literature, Stanford University, USA)

王瑾,MIT中国文化研究教授、S. C. Fang 中国语言文化讲席教授、新媒体行为实验室主任 (Jing Wang, Professor of Chinese Cultural Studies, S. C. Fang Professor of Chinese Language and Culture, Director, New Media Action Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA)

王绍光,香港中文大学教授 (Wang Shaoguang, Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG)

王正绪,英国诺丁汉大学中国政策研究所高级研究员、代理主任 (Zhengxu Wang, Senior Research Fellow and Acting Director, China Policy Institute, School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, University of Nottingham, UK)

华志坚,美国尔湾加州大学历史系教授 (Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Professor of History, University of California, Irvine, USA)

林塞·沃特斯,哈佛大学出版社人文部执行主编 (Lindsay Waters, Executive Editor for the Humanities, Harvard University Press, USA)

苏珊·沃特金斯,英国伦敦编辑、作者、独立评论员(Susan Watkins, Editor, writer, and independent commentator, London, UK)

怀默霆,哈佛大学社会学系教授 (Martin K. Whyte, Professor of Sociology, Harvard University, USA)

严海容,香港理工大学教授 (Yan Hairong, Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HONGKONG)

马瑞林·杨,纽约大学历史系教授 (Marilyn Young, Professor, History Department, New York University, USA)

沙培德,台湾中央研究院近代史研究所研究员 (Peter Zarrow, Researcher, Modern History Institute, Academia Sinica, TAIWAN)

齐泽克,斯洛文尼亚卢布里雅那大学社会学所高级研究员 (Slavoj ?i?ek, Senior Researcher at Institute of Sociology, University of Lubiana, SLOVENIA)

钟雪萍,美国塔夫斯大学文学副教授 (Zhong Xueping, Associate Professor of Literature, Tufts University, USA)


劉紀蕙,台灣交通大學社文所教授 (Joyce C.H. Liu, Graduate Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)

于治中,台灣清華大學外國語文學系 (YU Chih-Chung Associate Professor, Department of foreign Languages and Literature, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)

刘世鼎,澳门大学传播系 (Liu Shih-Ding, Department of Communication, University of Macau, China)

史唯,澳门大学传播系 (Shi Wei, Department of Communication, University of Macau, China)

何春蕤, 台灣中央大學文學與文化研究講座教授 (Josephine Ho, Chair Professor in Literature and Cultural Studies, National Central University, Taiwan)

甯應斌, 台灣中央大學哲研所教授 (Yin-Bin Ning, Graduate Institute of Philosophy, National Central University, Taiwan)

陳奕麟,中央研究院民族學研究所研究員 (Allen J. Chun, Research Fellow Institute of Ethnology Academia Sinica, Nankang Taipei, Taiwan)

瞿宛文, 中央研究院人社中心研究員, 台灣台北 (Wan-wen Chu, Research Fellow, RCHSS, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan)

鄭鴻生, 自由作家, 台灣台北 (Hongseng Tseng, freelance writer, Taipei, Taiwan)

陳光興,台灣交通大學社會與文化研究所教授 (Kuan-Hsing Chen, Professor, Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)

丁乃非,台灣中央大學英文系教授 (Naifei Ding, Professor, Dept of English, National Central University)

趙剛,台灣東海大學社會系教授 (Kang Cho, Professor, Dept of Sociology, Tung Hai University, Taiwan)

邱德亮, 台灣國立交通大學 社會與文化研究所副教授 (Der-Liang CHIOU, Associate Professor, Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chia Tung University, Taiwan)

李根芳,台灣師父翻譯研究所所長/副教授 (Ken-fang Lee Director/Associate Professor,

Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation National Taiwan Normal University)

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